My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Well, it's mothers day today. Just a shout out to all you who's mothers are around right now... give them a hug and a kiss and make them breakfast... I'd do that for my mum I think if she were here, but she's too busy being in america, living and all. Actually I probably wouldn't cos I'm lazy. But the thought's there.
Actually today's making me sad, i always get these spurts of really missing my parents. It's so scary to think it's been nearly 6 years I've lived away from them! And not just down the road - it's not like I can just pop in on them... so, yeah it makes me sad. I don't even know if they know I miss them so much... I'll have to make sure they know...
Anyhoo - that miserable thing aside...
Last night (into the earlyhours - 4am!) was fun. Michael Jackson (Welchie) came to visit for the evening. We worked on my script - and now I'm so much more into it again. I want her to come round more often !! I should ask her to be my wriring partner ;)
We also had a good heart to heart which made me think my life through a bit more. I think some major changes are on the horizon by the end of this semester... Possibly good, or maybe even not so good... who knows, that's life though isn't it...
Damn this smelly blog! It's making me miserable! And I bought some Linda McCartney sausages too! So I should be happy!!

OK - I'm off - I just got back from work so I'm knakkered... time and half tho ;)


bron thought for the day: you can lead a horse to water but you can't climb a ladder with a bell in both hands (OK - so I stole that from the wonderful Vic Reeves - sue me! He is)...


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