My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Well I'm here in the good old usa of a
I'm tired, and my throat hurts (it usually does for the first couple of days cos of the air conditioning.
I slept interstingly had a strange dream that freaked me out a bit.
I remember dreams more vividly in this country for some reason, I assume it's the atmosphere or something.
Went to a big WalMart yesterday onc I got in and bought crap. Mostly make up to be honest, and socks, two things i forgot to bring!
Went to bed at half 7 and slept right through til half 6! That's pretty WOW for me... so now I'm up... going to have a shower and stuff
Speak soon


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