My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Today was the second time anyone has ever hit me from behind in a car... the first time there was minimal damage and I didn't want to make a fuss, plus there were about 5 more vehicles involved and mine was hardly even dented (this is a good few years go now)..
Today I was sat at the traffic lights literally 40 seconds from work, abot to turn (it's a stupid junction anyway which sends you somewhere where you can no longer see the lights and you just have to wait for all the traffic to stop), and the traffic stopped so I started across the junction - only for the traffic to set off again! So I slammed on so I wouldn't plough into a load of people and the guy behind me slammed into the back of me. The first thing I thought was "Shit" obviously, and then I realised a weird thing... my neck felt fine! I have a dreadful neck, but it honestly felt fine! So I jumped out and got the guy to follow me to the nearest car park - not the one I'd normall park on. So we surveyed the damage. Not a lot, craked bumper and light out for me, nothing really for him and exchanged details. The poor lad looked terrified, I think it shook him up much more than me. Anyway, I said I'd call if I needed him to pay for anything - it's Chris's car, not mine, so I dont know what he wants me to do. And off I went to work. 10 seconds round the corner. Next thing I realise is the guy who hit me pulls up behind me and parks.
He is a student at the Uni! Deary me. I waved him off with a "see you around!"... bless.
Anyway, I really need a nap - I didnt' get back til 2am last night and I was up at 7am...
First night Chris and I have had together in ages so I want to make the most if it.
My car is being pixed today - something wrong with the steering aparantly... so I'm picking that up in an hour...


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