My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It's 4.15am, John is asleep and making the weird snory sound he makes, I am waring a massive jacket that doesn't fit because everything's packed and ready to go.
There's only one thing different. I'm not nervous.
I HATE flying. To the point of making sure I see all my friends before i get on a plane incase I don't see them again... but this time, maybe it's just because I've been so busy, but I'm relitively calm.
My usual pre-flight plan is to just not sleep - then when I get on the plane I'm really spaced out and tired so I just doze off or at least don't have the energy to panic. But right now all I want to do is cuddle john and go to sleep.
I'm going to miss him.
And the snory sound.
Well, not so much that.
I had a weird flash back to once when I was on a plane and there was terrible turbulance. I was so scared. All I could think was, and this is going to sound very morbid now, was how much I loved my fiance of the time, and how if I died at this moment, I'd have had a full life because of him. Strange isn't it? I can't say I feel exactly like that now, I'm older, I have much more to live for, much more left to do I'm sure, lots more people to help, but at the same time I do feel a lot more content and serene, more than I have for years.
That isn't to say I'm ready to die in a plane crash (I'm touching as much wood as I can find while writing all this...), but I do feel like my life's settling again - more than it has since that time. It's a good feeling. It's a little weird too, I never thought I'd feel like this again - at least, I've been stopping myself.
Anyway... where did all this come from...
I am setting off for the airport in 3 1/2 hours.
I think I'm going to cuddle john for a bit.


  • At June 24, 2007 10:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm surprised you haven't recorded my snory noises and played them back to me....oh, wait a minute..


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