My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ah, so busy I've been!
I should be in the gym right now but I can't motivate myself, I've hit another "what's the point" slump.
Yesterday had a rather upsetting moment for me... I know this isn't going to mean a lot to anyone else but, well, i had to throw one of my oldest pairs of pants away.

Now I have older pants, that I still have, that the arse hasn't worn away on.. but these are the pants that have just always been there, always comfy, always fitting! (although recently they got close to not doing!). They've been in many a boyfriends house, different countries, special occasions, the perfect companion to my red jumper, my set painting pants etc...
I think now is the time to pay tribute to my pants.

Here we see them when I was 18, just about to leave the US for home... they were popular pants to wear in the states as they are so baggy and cool. I took them ever time I went...

Here I am at Lizes old house wearing them, I was trying to gauge the time on this picture... I have really short hair and Liz still has all her Carter USM stuff on her walls so I am assuming this may be around ... erm... it could be anytime to be honest. I would asume late 90's. i still have that jacket too!

Here I am wearing them a couple of summers ago when we went to the ComedySportz tournament in Wisconsin. In fact the pants have another ComedySportz link - they are affeconately known as my Clown Pants by my workshoppers...
ANd I know I have many more pix with my lovely pants (I am usually only in pictures from my chest up as I tend to take them myself...)... but I've not got time to search.... I shall add in due course.

Right I'm, going to get ready for another day in Liverpool! Yesterday was interesting. We spent hours in a graveyard looking for a grave, then got home to find the information on the answer machine, we are popping back again. My fingers are all swelly from the heat which is poo.. I can't wait to go on my hols... only this year without my trusy pants :(


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