My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lol - weird cross over of worlds today when Keya popped in to check out the shots she would be annimating things onto and ended up doing our sound for us... hehe
Well, she's done it before, she's a pro.
Today was a bit manic - tomorrow hopefully wont be as bad... am going to storyboard and floor plan tonight so I'm all clued in for the moro...
I'm getting soooo tired and run down... but last night I slept really well, so hopefully my body's kicking in and sorting me out with some decent replenishment.
Did a Grinventors show last night to about 20 people, but was a good show. Check out a clip:


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