My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Wow what a longgggggg day.
Started off filming the blue screen part of the sitcom... yes. Blue screen. Yes, I've never filmed blue screen before... yes it was long and tedious... and then I got 'shouted' at by a member of staff in the building who probably thought I was a student... blah...
Then Chris came and picked me up and we headed over to Bolton to do the school workshops we are doing there... a couple of new kids there today who seemed rather up for it all, which was good.
So then we headed straight to the SAlford Arts Theatre and set up for our match that evening. Chris and I actually managed to take a few minutes to eat something too - neither of us had had a chance to eat all day.The match was a little stressful at the start, but everyone eased into it and Lou had a fantastic first match :D She didnt' swear or nothin! ;)
Good fun. good friends, good feeling - just sad none of the Chorley lot could be there... that was a little weird. John was a good mister voice, in the wake of all the technical problems...
Now I'm a little wired to be honest, even though all day I've been shattered!
Tavner is here hanging out, so I 'm off to hang


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