My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

wow I've really been neglecting this haven't I?
Been doing a load of work, even though technically this is 'time off' now! Til I go to the states.

Been doing some extra work on Peter Kay's new programme, looks like it may be quite funny, a lot of money behind it.

Did a CSz workshop in a Primary School yesterday which was fantastic!! The kids were so receptive and good fun - and I just love the fact that John's working with me too, he's so great with the kids. There was a little lad there with Ezcema, I really wanted John to work with him, but he said in hindsight it may have been a bit much for him.

Got a CSz show at the Store on saturday... the advertising this month got a bit messed up so I don't know how popular it will be :S

Anyway... when I get some more time I'll write again

Oh yeah... I met Peter Tork last week!!

Peter Tork - 1997

Peter Tork - 2008


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