My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Recieved three cheques today.. one from a Quorn promotion for £1.90 (we're in the money.... we're in the money...) and two from the company I work for in London. ONly my name was spelt wrong on both! Grr. Curse me for having a complicated name! So I can't cash those. But £1.90 eh? Excellant.
It's actually Ok in a way cos I've not set up my business account yet, (as all my other jobs have paid below the amount I need to registar for tax)... but this whole 'In Biz' thing is screwed up ... i am months behind everything for my business training and all that... gah
Anyway.. am relaxing today by not going to YT (Doctors orders) but I am going to film something for the next Richard and Judy comp.


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