My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

today's weather is awful .. and is the reason I hardly slept! I got to bed about 2.30am after editing the stuff for today's Youth Theatre show (a show in three days! hard work but fun... hopefully we'll pull it off!) then failed to sleep as the wind was so loud, as was the rain.... I am shattered - and am going to be at the theatre for over 12 hours today now...
someone asked me last night 'do you have nothing better to do'... and I just thought, well, no I suppose I dont, and that's not necessarily a bad thing for once. This has been a very interesting experience... and I think the kids have got a lot of out of it... I've laready warned them I'm going to be in a bad mood today... I should really take my whistle too
anyway... better get on with it all...
wish us luck!


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