My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gah people are really pissing me off right now.
People who think they're in some way better than me. I always used to just sit back and be one of those people who just let people think that. And part of me thought they must be right. But recently I just can't stand it anymore. Guess what, I know things! I work hard! I invent a lot of my work from scratch! I can do things! It's taken me years to get to where I am and I'm not about to let my insecurities (helped along by miserable so called friends) get the better of me. I KNOW THINGS TOO!
Anyway, reaffirmation rant over with.
Am currently at Chris's flat waiting for Ben to get here. Ooo all sounds a bit dodgy ;) Nah. He is moving in and everyone else is at work so I volunteered to be here to let him in. Have to be at a meeting this afternoon to try and work out some longterm CSz work at a local school. Really hope it comes off, would mean agreat deal to me and the business.
My goal in life right now is to make enough money, from getting enough work, to move out of Chorley. I've never really had a goal to aim for before. It's a weird feeling. Again I always just kind of saunter through.
I have a dentist appt tomorrow :( Realy not looking forward to it. Have a feeling tha they will want to give me a filling. Well, they can't do it then cos I have a workshop tomorrow evening that i need to be unpanicked and speakable for.
Oh, I would also like to point one more thing out - I am not a bad person. I do stupid things, and I react stupidly sometimes, but I'm not bad.
Even if Ben says I am for putting a picture of him on this blog of him in pigtails ;) mnuahaaa
Going to do some more knitting to kill time.


  • At November 22, 2005 4:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who is being nasty to my baby??

    I have a big dog and an even bigger stick and I know how to use it

  • At November 22, 2005 4:59 pm, Blogger Bron said…

    no one's been nasty as such, just being themselves... I just dont have to be the stupid one any more I've decided..


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