My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, I am far too organised for my own good it would seem!
It has only taken me 2 hours to plan my next 3 week workshop, and another 20 minutes to sort out my BA 2 tv acting!
Why you may ask... cos I'm a pro now ;) hehe, seriously though, I've been doing this for nearly two years now so I can just pretty much refer to my notes from the last times I've done it. Rock.
Don't know what to do with the rest of the day now to be honest, I was planning on having to do this all day, I got up 'early' after going to bed at nearly 4am to do it. Got to get back into regular sleeping habits really.
Next week I'm meeting up with Ste for his birthday, we are catching some stand up, then going for a curry, spending the next day in Manchester (I have Thursdays off for the next two weeks) that should be fun.
Time is ticking down for my first stand up gig! I should probably get writing it ;)


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