My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

*sneeze* don't ask me why but I can't stop sneezing tonight! Maybe it's all the snow? Or I'm illurgic to the school I have to go to tomorrow... :(
Despite the usual shite that plagues my mind I'm feeling very positive at the moment! I am happy! Yes, you read it here first.
It may not last, it rarely does for me, but I'm just swimming in it for now...

Multiple things not looking forward to this week but am managing to keep it all under wraps and not let it stress me out too much...
See this guy! This is Phil! Phil is funny, and I've missed him. Phil was one of my Youth Theatre kids from waaaaay back, he now works mostly abroad and comes home rarely. But he met up with me and Keya for some lunch the other day and we caught up and swapped stories.
Was good fun.
Binx has taken to sleeping in an annoying spot.
Amongst my clothes! Annoying.
She's still cute though, which makes it even more annoying!
Keya appears to be getting a cat, she's trying to figure out a name for it at the moment, answers on a postcard.
I went to visit Ben in Skipton on Friday, in this picture he doesnt' look very impressed with my visit.
But I'm sure he was - he's going a bit mental aparantly, no one around to hang out with or anything.
I am int he middle of editing a load of stuff, my hard drive is getting really clogged. I may have to buy yet another external hard drive - or just be more frugal with what I'm storing, blah.
My computer's decided to crash a couple of programmes, so I'm going to go and reboot


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