My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

You know what - things are hectic, I'm mad busy, I've hardly got to see John in weeks, but... I'm happy.
I'm actually pretty content! Everything seems to be falling into place.
Chris and I are getting on again, Binx is getting better, I'm well respected in my field and on the field (csz ;) ) and my car rocks! Hehe. Of course there's the moaning cos I'm so goddamn busy, but when am I NOT going to be?! I just need to accept that this is my life and the way I chose to live it.
I am currently sat in the production office for the sitcom I'm shooting writing this... lol I'm supposed to be storyboarding and the like ;) naughty.
I have 20 minutes til I teach.
Then I'm shooting straight after until about 9pm...
I'm mad
I'm busy
I'm tired
I love it.


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