My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

and then it got worse ... :(

Firstly though I want to say a big thanks to the lovely comments for my last blog... they are appreciated x

Last night was awful... or should I say this morning...
At 4am I woke up with an awful pain in my back - a sort of dull aching pain that wouldn't go away... within minutes it got worse... then it transfered itself into my stomach, right on top of my diaphragm. It was agony. I was terrified, I felt like I was going to pass out, I was cold and sweating and sick but I couldn't move...
John wanted to call an ambulance, I was passing in and out of conciousness... I wouldn't let him, but I did let him call NHS Direct... where he promptly forgot my birthday, how to spell my name, and where we lived...
After half an hour of this it started to ease off...
the Doctor who was supposed to call didn't seem to be bothering...
John got me a hot water bottle as I was freezing (even though the room was boiling) and I dozed off a little... then the Doctor rang and told me there wasn't anything he could suggest. Well done.

I am worried it may happen again tonight, I've not shifted the pain and the general sick feeling... it may just be a tummy bug, but I don't tend to get those... the last time it was like this was in the states two summers ago where my mum found me on the bathroom floor!
Horrible, scary and painful....

Am hoping it will get better....


  • At January 20, 2009 9:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds very like what I've just had - 24 hours sicky bug. Felt so awful. Went downstairs last night and couldn't get back upstairs again was so weak. Much better now though - burns through quite quickly thankfully!


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