My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

well in a few days I should officially OWN a flat!

And a flat that needs LOADS doing to it! In a very short space of time.. we were hoping to have it by March and move in in April, however our landlord had different ideas... three days after Xmas he informed us that we had to be out of there by March 1st! So ... we think we will get the keys next week giving us a few days to get windows and carpets done ... and ideally we also need the kitchen completely redone too! ugh
Currently I'm going through therapy to hopefully sort out my needle and dentist phobias... it's very hard :( I've not been to a session without crying... ugh
I;m so busy as usual and just a big ball of stress... as is John.,.. wish us luck


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