My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


1. If you could kill one person (with no consequences of law or guilt or hell), who would it be?

Haha - I know who you're thinking of... hmmm.. you know I dont know if I can answer that really.. it certainly couldn't be anyone I know... I'd have to go with something generic like Asama Bin Laden or someone who's caused a lot of pain to a lot of people.

2. If you had to throw away every item in your wardrobe today, what one item would you keep?

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That hurts!!! That really hurts!! Hmmm... probably my jean flares with the flurescent yellow sides in them... i can just get back into them again and they are my favourite pants... but I would hate you forever for making me get rid of everything!!!

3. If Ben Folds took you to his hotel and offered you one night of passionate lurve, would you take it?

HAHAH!!! I can't imagine I'd go all the way... but I'd certainly be very flattered... plus would have to ask why he's doing this when he is blatantly besotted with his wife.

4. Fame and fortune - blessing, or curse? Please explain your answer (ooh, it's like an exam)

Ha, now discuss.... Curse, definately. Any way you look at it, to be famous is a curse. Even for those that crave attention, there is the downside of it not always going to be there, and then ruining your life. Fortune however is different. If I had enough money to do what I wanted I'd be a very happy person, as doing what I want to is pretty much work anyway I think I would deserve it ;)

5. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

Simple and easy- a cat... cos they're simple and easy... nooo that's dogs... because they are independant and can sometimes be very silly :)


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