My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Well what a night... went to manchester to watch Richard Herring at the Frog and Bucket... and very nearly saw what may have been his last night alive. Lol... nah it wasnt that bad, but let's just say some of the crowd didn't 'appreciate' some of his act. Myself and my table, however, loved it all, although I'd heard some of it before.

Richard Herring... starting well!

It's the first lot of auditions today for my two one act plays that the Welch has written... I suddenly realised this morning how little time I have for these... monday and tuesday evenings are taken up with my new job... every night at the theatre is being used... blah! I'll fit it in somehow... I've woken up with a sore neck today which is making driving difficult...
be reet
have a great day


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