My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

well well well... good spread in the C.G about the match this saturday...
Only problem
7th JULY?!?!?!?!!??!?!
Must go home and check my press release but I can't imagine I put the wrong date myself! How annoying.
Have to also make posters for the foyer now before the 7th so that people dont go on the wrong day.
How silly.
Not checked the C.C. yet.... hopefully they've not got it wrong too.

I've eaten way too much crap/indian food in the last few weeks.. my digestion is awful... blergh.

Hey July 9th person, if you know Julian and are therefore in Glossop check out the comedy show at the Globe on Thursday.. should be fun.

Currently listening to 'Afternoon Delight'.. nwo if you dont think that is the greatest song ever then I will fight you... that's no lie... ;)

Well have lots of stuff to trawl throguh today so I'm off to get a start on it... be well


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