My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

On my own again :(
Not too bad actaully, getting lots of knitting done and I've fixed the Sky so I can watch CSI to my hearts content with no one to moan ;) (aka - CHRIS) hehe... Chris is doing a gig at a festival tonight, Ben is still in Skipton, and Dug,is, well, erm, out? Don't know.
I have been knitting like mad, only thing I can do to keep me sat still to let my neck get better. Although is also hurts off and on from knitting... plus my arm still keeps going cold ad numb at the top..I'm sure the doctor misdiagnosed it or something.. I'll give it a few more days.
A new lady joined the workshops today and gave me a superb massage though, actually stopped the pain for a short time! ROCK! She is allowed to come again ;)
Going to get some grub then back up for more knitting... when Ben gets back with my camera I'll take a pic of the blanket I'm making :D


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