My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Weather much better today, but I carried my brolly everywhere just incase. Was my first day flyering - something I HATED doing with the Theatre, but I think I got into my stride a bit. Daisy was the master though, it has to be said, people just wanted to listen to what she had to say - rock! I was cursing myself for forgetting the mints... wanted to hand them out. Let Rach 'ref' the street show, think she scared a few 'punters' to be honest.
I decided to play today too, and I really enjoyed myself!

Chris rocked the house reffing, of course. He's still a bit over chatty, but he's getting there.

Smaller house today, but we remembered to pass the hat and made about £20, nice. All the money we make is going into the petrol and food costs for the week, and any left over is paying the company back for the ridiculous cost of putting an ad in the brochure!


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