My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Friday, September 05, 2003

Well, the editing is progressing. I am on a long break now as the technician needs to move somethings off my computer (I've used like 30 GB!)... so I don't know what to do with myself... well, I do, I SHOULD be dissertation writing... DOH! I really just cant get into it... and now my tummy's rumbling... POOP!
I'm having a confusion about this offline edit anyway, I'm offlining on Premeiere and Onlining on AVID DS v5, now, when I transfer the EDL that'll cut off pretty much everything I've uploaded that's not in the timeline right? If that's so then how to I get my ATMOS and things on there seeing as I can't use them yet as I can only do one audio track!... grrr ;)
The outtakes are hilarious, especially Steven's, one is a little risque, shall we say, but I think it will probably end the credits, and I'll just cross my fingers and hope no one thinks it's too rude.
I am heading home tonight to drop off my car, shoot some more stuff, and go to CSz. Still don't know what my job for CSz is... Steven hasn't told me. He offered me House Manager, but it's Russ and KT's last match, so I am adimant that I'm involved more.
Well off to hunt some food... I think I can catch a cucumber...


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