My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

hi, long time no blog.. since I last wrote my space key has begun to falter... exciting stuff.
I finally got my dissertation wre-write extension through... I now have until the 18th Feb... only took them 5 WEEKS! to get that through for me.. and they've not found me a tutor so my co-ordinator (who I'm pretty sure now hates me) has had to step in. Great. So tomorrow I'm getting up bright and early to make a good start on that little evil thing.
I had an odd dream last night, I dreamt I was in Pop Idol and I'd got down tothe last three. I was performing and it was great. I went back to my hotel room and there were loads of presants outside on the floor... I didn't pick any of them up, but then I thought I saw a digital camcorder so I went back ouside but it had gone and I was really upset... ispent the whole night looking for it.
I have to go back to my old high school today to do a improvisation workshop... it's all a bit scary - luckily the teacher who's class we're going into isnew there so I wont have to answer and questions about where my life has gone wrong...
Well, my room is officially finished. It's all blue. Ialso have a couch and everything so I'm all excited about that... I can sit and knit and watch TV all in the comfort of my own room... groovy.
I have my new years resolution finally - it's to try and stop feeling so sorry for myself. It's a hard one to stop, but I'm going to try.
Iwas supposed to go for an interview with Pontins this Friday, but I bailed as they'd have wanted me to live there... which I'm not up for, Idon't think they'd appreciate me turning up with two little kitty cats in tow.
The Shaun of the Dead trailer is up on ithink that's the website... I can't see it as my computer is smelly. No doubt there's going to be a clip and I'll be like 'oh wait a sec, I'm coming up', and then, no, it cuts away... *sigh* ;)
I'm off back down to Surrey not next week but the week after, so that should be intersting... a horrid trip down crap memory lane..... yay
Speak soon
ps - we have a YT show on the 17th Jan at 2,30pm if any of you are bored enough to come and see...


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