My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Been a few days since I last posted.. the reason being I've been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride of emotions and time...
Firstly, last week I was informed that my dissertation actually did NOT pass and I have to redo it... here's the worst thing - it failed by ONE MARK! You think they'd have sneaked a mark just to get rid of me woudln't you! So I have to get cracking on that again soon - I just have to build myself up for it - I can't believe that the last year may have been a total waste of time. This puts me under so much pressure cos if I fail it again then I fail fail and can't resit! I just want it to all be over with!
Well a couple of days after that, after not really movin from out of the chair, I got cracking with mine, keya's and paul's music video entry for the Richard and Judy Competition! We finished it on Saturday last week, edited it on Sunday (well, me and my friend Ken edited - keya did a funky animation for it too which looked ace) and then I sent it on Monday. They called my on Wednesday and showed it that night!! We were so excited! Something that we knocked together in less than a week was then on TV! It was mental! That SAME DAY I got a call from Shaun of the Dead who want me to go back for re-shoots, not sure if I can just yet but I really hope I can, cos this time I get paid!!
WE have a ComedySportz tomorrow which I'm looking forward to, had to really fight hard for that date! So it better go OK... I am on the BBC website with it! How cool!
Tonight I mostly spent knitting... I'm running out of things to knit. While knitting I found a video to watch. Big mistake - it was my Engagement Party video! For those of you not in the know - my engagement broke up 2 years ago because I am a prat, and still am. So that was odd to watch after all this time. Feeling rather miserable again as usual... it was weird the other day when we watched OUR video on TV... I felt SO happy, I coudln't get over it... then I hated it cos afterwards i wanted to stay that happy, but I coudln't stay there... I watched it again and again, but it was more and more meaningless everytime I watched it - I've exhausted it now and have to find my next high somewhere else.
Anyway - I'm off to bed now - early start
bron thought for the day: if someone says 'Never' you should say 'Woof'


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