My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Hi guys... just a not to let you know - so that my creative streak does not disapear I have decided to go back to poetry writing.. I am aiming to write a poem a day ... what I want from you are the titles.... here is one I wrote today, my friend Ken gve me the title - took me two minutes...

Ode to the Unappreciated Gesture

Look at me
Standing here
Grinning from
Ear to ear
I've made the effort
I've made you see
Look in my hands,
I made the tea
You stare at me
Like I'm a fool
My only use
is as your tool
well you just stay there
on your thrown
but next time you can make your own

Check out my other poems on go down to the bottom and type in B Edge and you'll see all my poems - yay



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