My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, March 14, 2005

So - I start my very busy week with a swollen neck!
If I didn't have these problems with my Teeth I would think I had mumps (which has just had an outbreak in my building at the Uni)... I look like I did before I lost all this weight...
Maybe it's cos I forgot to take two of my antibiotics yesterday, who knows... I only know it hurts and I have tonnes to do! But I just want to sleep.
I am also cold... this house is always so COLD.. I still blame the old front door and it's gaps.
Today my good friend (and ex) Ste gets all his hair chopped off for charity! Should be interesting to check out! hehe. I think he's rather scared about it, as would I be if I'd had long hair pretty much all my adult life... I get mine chopped a lot nowadays, not like when I was little.. I still get a bit aprehensive when I get it cut though.
If I'm still swollen by the middle of the week I dont know what to do! I have my dentist apt booked, so I can't speed it up.
This tooth feels like it's going to drop out any day anyway. Grr.
I have to go to a primary school down the road shortly to help some kids interview some people who were at school in the war. I'm a bit nervous as I just know something's going to go wrong... I hope it doesn't... I'm actually getting PAID for this.
Keya's currently shouting at the cat... they have both been rahter mental the last few days...
Anyway.. I'm off to prepare all my stuff for these interviews.


  • At August 03, 2011 2:43 pm, Anonymous Nicholas Ludwig said…

    Having swollen and painful teeth just makes a day gloomy. With all that stuff to do in just a short time, you should get that appointment booked as soon as possible! It will help you feel relieved and more focused on your daily stuff, instead of focusing on your toothache. =]


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