My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What a fun morning!
Spent the morning and early afternoon on Revolution FM in Manchester. Always a joy. I made smoothies for everyone on air :) Lots of fun was had.
Back to reality though, I have to prepare everything for tomorrow's workshop, and ideally for Wednesdays workshop too, and satrudays, getting rather busy. And that's just CSz...I have three other workshops next week that aren't CSz! And two classes to teach - I can just see me being dead by the end of next week.
i tried to save money last night by buying a colour refill for my printer, the black one went fine, colour though>!>! Ugh! Don't know what went wrong there...
Anyway, going to tidy my room up and get working!


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