My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm tired and there's more hair dyeing about to happen so I can't write for long... but today was so mad busy and hectic, but the show was lovely.
There were only about 15 in the audience, which was a shame, but the actual show was great. Jill had fun, everyone shone through (even Derek's pants shone through... and he needs to buy some trainers! lol)
Jill and I are having so much fun! I have a bit of extra work tomorrow but after that we are heading the Las Vegas of the UK - yup, Blackpool! ;) Should be a nice day, maybe a tad rushed... but I wouldn't want to spoil the whole theme of her visit! ;) Then tomorrow night is the sketch show with the sketches we have been working on. I hope eveyone has learned their lines... I will probably cry if they haven't... grrrr
Night night


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