My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Back to Wisco!

Today was all driving! But it was fun driving... until the last chunk in Chicago! SOO MUCH TRAFFIC!
There isn't much to write about the journey really, was pleasant enough, it was a long drive so we didn't stop too much for anything. I really enjoyed travelling with John, all the journey just flew by. I even remember thinking that on the way to new York I wished it was a longer trip cos I was just enjoying being in the car with him. He's lovely. I love him.
New Jersey
New York - 25
Pennsylvania - 9
Ohio - 8
North Carolina - 2
Conneticut - 1
Florida - 1
Massechusetts - 1
Vermont - 1
Missouri - 1
Ohio - 23
New Jersey - 16
Michigan - 13
New York - 11
Illinois - 5
Virginia - 4
Florida - 4
Kentucky - 4
Massechusetts - 4
Maryland - 3
Maine - 3
Indiana - 3
Tennessee - 3
Nebraska - 2
Minnesota - 2
New Hampshire - 2
Missouri - 2
Georgia - 1
Oklahoma - 1
Texas - 1
Conneticut - 1
Arkansas - 1
Arizona - 1
Alberta (Canada) - 1
Wisconsin - 1
Iowa - 1
Michigan - 19
Illinois - 8
Indiana - 8
Tennessee - 8
Wisconsin - 5
Pennsylvania - 5
Florida - 5
Iowa - 4
Minnesota - 3
Maine - 3
New Jersey - 2
Missouri - 2
Virginia - 2
Oklahoma - 2
West Virginia - 2
California - 1
Texas - 1
Nevada - 1
Conneticut - 1
New Jersey - 1
Delaware - 1
Wyoming - 1
Arizona - 1
New York - 1
Illinois - 6
Florida - 4
Ohio - 3
Mennesota - 2
Pennsylvania - 2
Wisconsin - 2
New Jersey - 2
Arkansas - 1
Delaware - 1
Wyoming - 1
Maine - 1
Tennessee - 1
Massechusetts - 1
New Mexico - 1
Nebraska - 1
Nevada - 1
we apparantly didn't count illinois....


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