My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Our journey to DC was long, but fun. We made a couple of stops on the way, most notably Bedford Village in Pensylvania - which was closed, and the '50 States' shop, which wasn't. We bought lots of pressies there. Bedofrd Village was an old 'settlers' village that had been preserved, it looked really interesting, so we left a note on the only car in the car park saying how we'd come to see, and it was closed and we were sad. '50 States' was a massive shop full of everything american! Even dead things on the walls! Oh yes. We spend money there.

Washington DC!

What a nightmare to find! Well, not DC itself we found that rather easily, about 4 times, in 2 hours, ... it was Liz's house! We ended up sat on the Pentagon car park while I had a minor panic attack, which turned into a full blown one once we were back on the road!
Anyhoo, once we finally got there we went to sleep straight
Next day we were up and about early and headed into DC for fun and frolics. We made one mistake to day.

We took Danny's coat.
And John put it on.

And we filmed.

And it was hot.

And we scared people.
And accidently left a bag unattended to boot.

So now the armed police at capital hill have our names and addresses... I still feel really guilty about the whole thing, cos we scared people. But we were just being wacky brits! Ahh well... Help us play Spot the Policeman on this pic...

We played ComedySportz that night, and also the Blue Show. Loads of fun.
Oh I missed out the bit where John gave me the wrong soup so I was eating beef soup for a while! GGRRRRR
So yeah, the shows, were fun :D The Blue Show is a rude improv show, I got to play part of John's body (not to scale) for one game... and we got to find out what it is like 'down there' for Matt Hartman... funny stuff :D

Freeway License Plate Tally - Chicago to Washington DC, I 90/I76 etc

Indiana - 5
Wisconsin - 3
New York - 1
Texas - 1
Tennessee - 1
Mississippi - 1

Illinois - 25
Tenessee - 12
Michigan - 6
Florida - 4
Ohio - 4
Iowa - 2
Minnesota - 2
Missouri - 2
Wisconsin - 2
Washington - 2
Pensylvania - 1
Kentucky - 1
Detroit - 1
Texas - 1
North Carolina - 1
Maine - 1
Oregon - 1
California - 1
Manitoba (Canada) - 1
Virginia - 1
New York - 1
Conneticut - 1
Ontario (Canada) - 1
Oklahoma - 1
Alberta (Canada) - 1
Utah - 1
Colorado - 1
Illinois - 1

Michigan - 30
Pennsylvania - 17
Illinois - 16
Indiana - 12
Virginia - 8
Maine - 7
Florida - 5
Iowa - 5
New York - 5
Maryland - 5
Minnesota - 4
Tennessee - 3
Nebraska - 3
Wisconsin - 3
New Jersey - 2
Misouiri - 2
Mississippi - 2
Oklahoma - 2
Idaho - 1
Colorado - 1
California - 1
North Carolina - 1
Kentucky - 1
Conneticut - 1
Washington - 1
New Mexico - 1
Georgia - 1
Massechusetts - 1
Ontario (canada) - 1

Ohio - 9
Maryland - 9
Michigan - 7
Illinois - 5
Tennessee - 3
Maine - 3
Nebraska - 2
Oklahoma - 2
Virginia - 2
New York - 2
Florida - 2
Texas - 1
Washington - 1
Delaware - 1
Kentucky - 1
New Jersey - 1
Minnesota - 1
Iowa - 1
Indiana - 1
Georgia - 1

Pennsylvania - 5
Illinois - 3
Virginia - 2
Ohio - 1
Wisconsin - 1
New Jersey - 1
Iowa - 1
Oregon - 1
Texas - 1


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