My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Lah de dah... yes I KNOW! OK? I have an essay due in tomorrow and I'm writing my blog... well so what...
I'm half way through right now and I think it's going OK... but who cares anyway.
I can't wait til I've handed this in and I can have a few hours relaxation before it all starts again... :-/
I've not got much to write really... I may be on a 'So You Want To Be Famous' type programme in a couple of weeks - God knows why I applied for that... it was in a fit of madness... no doubt they will deem I am indeed UNworthy of being famous. I think I'm going to take my skates - maybe I can pass for one of those really shite people who always make the 'these were the crap ones' section.
I am still waiting to see if I'm called for the HUGE zombie shoot for the film... hope so it should be a laugh.
Well.. should get back to this essay... see you when I resurface
bron thought for the day: when in doubt, vomit


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