My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Monday, August 02, 2004

More fuin stuff today... we went to see a movie - Farenheit 9/11...

I enjoyed Farenheit 9/11 ... it was very informative. As a documentary much less biased than Bowling for Columbine (not that that was a bad thing in B4C, he was out to tell us his opinion), this was much more about just informing people about stuff they in theory should already know - but hav never been told. AS with B4C it was a tad too long, but I think that a lot about films. We were expecting him to talk more about TOny Blair in relation to everything, but that didn't happen... but then again I think we do get more info about things than you are allowed to see over here. I was amazed at the news reports you were shown concerning 'terror alerts'! Terrfying in themselves! Terifies me even more when I see how our news is becoming more like the US coverage on things... it's not there yet, but I can see it getting that way. We came out of the film and all just kind of looked at each other and said 'how is all that possible, how has it happened' ... and that's the only downside of the film - there are no real answers... but then again, there aren't any.
So, yes I enjoyed it.

So we also went to a casino today... last time I went there was for my 18th birthday... since then they serve alcohol so PIj was turned away... so we left and went to play Mini Golf in the sweltering heat I may add! I was wearing cords!! Gagh! I was very wet, dizzy and tired afterwards... and I lost... badly... Steven however had to take a shot from over a stream in the grass as he had over shot and we woudlnt' let him back on the green ;) hehe. We drove all teh way (70 miles there and then 70 miles back) in my mums mustang with the top down... i put sun block on but still got burned and sore from the sun... I have decided I dont like the sun... but I dont want to say it too loud... people may take it away from me...
Spoke to Russell (who is looking after CSz for me while we're all here), and he's sorted for our BIGGEST booknig so far! Gagh! The one that I can only get 4 people for! Sheesh... scary... bless him.. I'm sure he'll be fine though.
Gona watch Family Guy and go to bed I think


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