My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


A less stressful drive in to NY than I expected to be honest! I'd even set up for Chris to be the driver, but it fell to me due to a stop we never took... I was too full with Pancakes (ohhh... so many pancakes consumed on this trip) to stop again.
I HATE driving over bridges. And, as most of you will probably alraedy know, New York City is all islands! So the first thing we came to was a HUGE bridge! We naturally assumed it was the Brooklyn Bridge (it being the only name of a bridge we knew... we later found out it wasn't)... got over that OK then realised it wasn't so bad. WE looked to the right and went, ooo, look at the tall buildings, the looked to the left and went SHIT!!! THERE'S THE STATUE OF LIBERTY!!! That thing is huge! Anyway... we got to the hotel, which was modest, and checked in (and sneaked in the Wareing sucessfully) and just chilled for a while. We didn't really know what to do for the evening then I got a call from the Yank... I thought he wasn't going to call so I'd pretty much put it out of my mind... so we headed into NY City (about an hour and a half of trains to get there from the hotel) and met him in Union Square.
It was great to catch up - bare in mind we were together for nearly two years, lived together for 8 months of that! And we've not spoken for nearly 3 years! So it was a little awkward, but talking comedy always overcomes that.
After leaving Dieter and making him PROMISE to keep in touch we headed to Time Square! It was an amazing sight! If you think London is wow at night time try this place! It was seriously GAZZINGA!
We bought some stuff and headed back... I got us off at the wrong stop too so we were sat on a train for about 20 minutes longer than we needed to be... DOH!
Oh, and remember that itch cream! Well, Rach needed it the most....


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