My blog is pants...

Random stuff from the Bronster... especially good to read if you happen to like me.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

weeeelllll... I'm off today to look at a Corsa - keya doesn't like them but I think I do. I am going mental being all stranded and destitute! I've had a car since I was 16 1/2 (driving in the states and all that), and it really sends me doolally when I can't go and do what I want when I want and have to rely on other people... talking of that, Ste is coming home for lunch soon and I am making him a big dinner so I can borrow his car for the afternoon.
I didn't win any awards at the Awards Ceremony but was chatting to our rep afterwards and he said he was sorry we didnt' win as he really wanted us to.. and I said that three of my plays have been nominated now and none have won.. he said it was very impressive that three have been nominated! there are 299 societies in the North West! 6 were chosen for best play and mine was one of them!
So that cheered me up... I think we will do very well in the regionals - but I can't be there unfortunately.
Work ws OK last night... I am still struggling with what to do with the little 'uns... I have no clue about little kids, and I'm not really that fussed about figuring them out, the show a lot of potential though... the older group are lots of fun. Having to get the train to Salford at night is not a pleasant experience so hopefully next week I can wangle a car or something.

If anyone's interested in what I got up to on May Day check out this link:



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